Monday, 23 March 2015

Weave Silk CD Cover

This is the first idea I have got for my CD Cover, I have used a website/app called weave silk to create this image, the software creates an array of colours (colours of your choice) mirroring and printing the moving colours around the selected area.
I am going to pick my favourite silk weave image to then change into a very gothic CD cover.
I have chosen to use a silk weave for my final CD cover because I love all of the unique patterns it creates none the same.



For this poster I have made the image look very bitmapped and old so to match the pin up vibe to the subject of the image. I am very happy with the outcome as I think it looks very unique and the final outcome has turned out as well as I had hoped.

Monday, 2 March 2015

White Screen Projection

 White screen projection:

White screen projection is very similar to black screen projection photography, obviously the sheet is white instead of black.
This effects the outcome of the photo by making the colours more vibrant and it also means that the image you are projecting onto your subject will not only show on your subject but also across the white screen as well.